The Journey

It’s our job to ensure both you and our clients have a seamless, quality experience.

Here’s how it works…

  • We provide consistent, reliable rent for the long term.

    We also cover the gaps in tenancy to provide you with a ‘void free’ experience!

  • We will prepare your property to ensure it’s presented in it’s best condition and furnished throughout at no cost to you!

  • We target professional clients and ensure a vigorous vetting process to minimise any issues later on.

    We will guarantee your rent in-between clients to ensure you’re never out of pocket.

  • We will take on the upkeep of the property for the duration of the tenancy, offering you a stress-free approach to managing your property.

  • Once the agreement comes to an end, we can,

    1. Extend the contract

    2. Return the property to you

    3. Hot Property Solutions can arrange the purchase of your property